Childrens Author Mystery Reader

Dragon Trouble
Words by Kristen Wixted
Art by Priscilla Alpaugh
Publisher: Pocket Moon Press (2024)
Hardcover ISBN: 9781952834066
Paperback ISBN: 9781952834073
Ages: 4-8
This laugh-out-loud story is perfect for children 4-8 and anyone who believes in morsels of household magic.
Cumberbatch Jones knows a tiny dragon is living in his house, but the only other person who sees it is his little sister Lulu, who wants to catch it. To make matters worse, the dragon keeps making mischief and getting Cumberbatch in trouble with Dad and Gramma. There's no way to make everyone happy ... or is there? This laugh-out-loud story is perfect for children 4-8 and anyone who believes in morsels of household magic.
How Dragon Trouble Came to Life.
I wrote DRAGON TROUBLE a few years ago. My agent shopped the manuscript around publishers and though several editors loved the story and the humor (and the twist ending!), no one accepted it.
So does that mean it should sit on my hard drive and be ignored? NO. That no one should laugh at the jokes? NO!
People need jokes to get through the day.
I created Pocket Moon Press with co-conspirator and indie-publisher Heather Kelly.
I hired my friend Priscilla Alpaugh, who is an experienced picture book artist, to illustrate it. I had worked with her before on other Writers' Loft anthologies, and I knew she was able to convey humor in her art.
Which is important in a funny story!
With help from my book designer friend, Bob (aka Robert Thibeault), we turned this manuscript into a real live book for readers to enjoy.
Much better than sitting on my hard drive.

Dragon Trouble info page Pocket Moon Press

Hot candies on counter. Siblings think they're from a tiny dragon that is not potty trained.

Brother tells sister not to touch dragon droppings. Makes a list of dragon facts.

Dragon Trouble info page Pocket Moon Press